We are pleased to meet you!

Kurt Blunschi

Stra­tegy & Advice

Kurt Blun­schi has been working for more than 25 years as an inde­pen­dent entre­pre­neur in real estate mar­ke­ting in the Zug region. He knows the cur­rent market situa­tion like no other and will ela­bo­rate a sui­ta­ble mar­ke­ting stra­tegy tog­e­ther with you. Kurt Blun­schi estab­lished his own Zug real estate agency in 2003 and sold it in 2012 to gain a time-out for health reasons. His bat­te­ries are now rech­ar­ged. Kurt Blun­schi looks for­ward to mee­ting you in the newly reno­va­ted sales pre­mi­ses at Indus­trie­strasse 16, at the corner of Metall­strasse, in the Rési­dence Park building.


Leonardo Reimann

Real estate mar­keter with fede­ral cer­ti­fi­cate
Qua­li­fied busi­ness­man EFZ

Leo­nardo Rei­mann is a cer­ti­fied pro­perty mar­keter with many years of expe­ri­ence in the pro­perty sector. As a qua­li­fied EFZ busi­ness­man in the property/​trust sector, he has a broad foun­da­tion of spe­cia­list know­ledge. He is also curr­ently under­go­ing fur­ther trai­ning to become a fede­rally cer­ti­fied pro­perty valuer.


Christian Kressig

Head of IT, Design & Adver­ti­sing, typo­gra­phic desi­gner with a fede­ral diploma and trai­ned photographer

Chris­tian Kres­sig has many years of expe­ri­ence in the real estate mar­ke­ting sector –– with a feel for design and the per­fect sta­ging of your property.


Sandra Cannuscio

Swiss Fede­ral Real Estate Administrator

Sandra Can­nu­scio has been working in the field of real estate admi­nis­tra­tion with hand and heart for over 20 years.


René Steinmann

Swiss Fede­ral Real Estate Agent, SVIT

René Stein­mann has been an inde­pen­dent Real Estate Agent for over 30 years. As an expe­ri­en­ced real estate expert, he is respon­si­ble for the appro­ved, market-com­pa­ti­ble assess­ment of your property.
