Bright, renovated apartment at quiet, central location  in Allenwinden
Bright, renovated apartment at quiet, central location  in Allenwinden
Bright, renovated apartment at quiet, central location  in Allenwinden
Bright, renovated apartment at quiet, central location  in Allenwinden
Bright, renovated apartment at quiet, central location  in Allenwinden
Bright, renovated apartment at quiet, central location  in Allenwinden
Bright, renovated apartment at quiet, central location  in Allenwinden
Bright, renovated apartment at quiet, central location  in Allenwinden
Bright, renovated apartment at quiet, central location  in Allenwinden
Bright, renovated apartment at quiet, central location  in Allenwinden
CHF 1'490'000

The 5‑room apart­ment with 127 m² of living space and a 15 m² ter­race with a view of the gree­n­ery and of the Gubel is in a quiet and child-friendly loca­tion in the vil­lage centre. Kin­der­gar­ten, pri­mary school, shop­ping and bus are within wal­king distance.

The bright, spa­cious flat is cha­rac­te­ri­sed by its prac­ti­cal floor plan.
The bedroom area is com­ple­tely sepa­ra­ted from the living area and the­re­fore offers opti­mal pri­vacy.

Fur­ther plus points:

- Top price-per­for­mance ratio!
- Ready to move in!
- 8 minu­tes drive to the city of Zug or Baar
- Prac­ti­cal kit­chen with hatch to the dining room
- Spa­cious living area with space for 2nd dining area for guests or sepa­ra­ble as office
- Bedroom with ash wood par­quet floo­ring
- Large bathroom with shower and bath­tub
- Own washing machine and tumble dryer in the flat
- Sepa­rate guest WC

Par­king: 1 under­ground par­king space CHF 45’000.-

Sel­ling price of the flat incl. cellar: CHF 1’395’000.-

For more detailed docu­men­ta­tion and infor­ma­tion we look for­ward to hea­ring from you.

Indus­trie­strasse 16, 6300 Zug (neben Park­ho­tel)
Par­kie­ren Sie vor unse­rem Ver­kaufs­lo­kal, gratis!
041 741 87 87,

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