Luxurious garden apartment in 2-family-home with good privacy  in Risch
Luxurious garden apartment in 2-family-home with good privacy  in Risch
Luxurious garden apartment in 2-family-home with good privacy  in Risch
Luxurious garden apartment in 2-family-home with good privacy  in Risch
Luxurious garden apartment in 2-family-home with good privacy  in Risch
Luxurious garden apartment in 2-family-home with good privacy  in Risch
Luxurious garden apartment in 2-family-home with good privacy  in Risch
Luxurious garden apartment in 2-family-home with good privacy  in Risch
Luxurious garden apartment in 2-family-home with good privacy  in Risch
Luxurious garden apartment in 2-family-home with good privacy  in Risch
Price on request

The modern garden apart­ment suited for a pro­fes­sio­nal single or a couple meets sophisti­ca­ted expectations.
Situa­ted in quiet, sought-after loca­tion at Schloss­berg in Risch.

  • Near lake and foret, ideal for lei­sure time, sport and walks
  • Luxu­rious kit­chen with gra­nite bench tops and break­fast bar
  • Spa­cious dining and living area with direct access to patio
  • 100 sqm garden patios
  • Insu­la­ted con­ser­va­tory, usable as office or bed­room for guests
  • Bed­room with 8 doors wall-cup­board and access to patio
  • Design bath­room with shower, Aqua-Clean toilet and washbasin
  • Fitted lights and curta­ins – the­r­e­fore no money to be spent for this
  • Auto­ma­tic air ventilation
  • High secu­rity stan­dard win­dows with lami­na­ted safety glass
  • On request partly furnished

Rent: CHF 2,950.00 per month

Lease Term: Also short term lease pos­si­ble, for exam­ple 6 months

Par­king: Garage CHF 150.00 per month plus 1 out­door par­king space included

Addi­tio­nal costs: CHF 280.00 flat-rate per month (except electricity)

We look for­ward to hea­ring from you.

PARK IMMO­BI­LIEN AG, Indus­trie­str. 16, 6300 Zug
Resi­dence Park” next to Parkhotel
Free par­king in front of our real estate boutique!
041 741 87 87,

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