Exclusive 400 m² designer house (RENTED)  in Baar Allenwinden
Exclusive 400 m² designer house (RENTED)  in Baar Allenwinden
Exclusive 400 m² designer house (RENTED)  in Baar Allenwinden
Exclusive 400 m² designer house (RENTED)  in Baar Allenwinden
Exclusive 400 m² designer house (RENTED)  in Baar Allenwinden
Exclusive 400 m² designer house (RENTED)  in Baar Allenwinden
Exclusive 400 m² designer house (RENTED)  in Baar Allenwinden
Exclusive 400 m² designer house (RENTED)  in Baar Allenwinden
Exclusive 400 m² designer house (RENTED)  in Baar Allenwinden
Exclusive 400 m² designer house (RENTED)  in Baar Allenwinden
Exclusive 400 m² designer house (RENTED)  in Baar Allenwinden
Exclusive 400 m² designer house (RENTED)  in Baar Allenwinden
Exclusive 400 m² designer house (RENTED)  in Baar Allenwinden
Exclusive 400 m² designer house (RENTED)  in Baar Allenwinden
Exclusive 400 m² designer house (RENTED)  in Baar Allenwinden
Exclusive 400 m² designer house (RENTED)  in Baar Allenwinden
Exclusive 400 m² designer house (RENTED)  in Baar Allenwinden
Exclusive 400 m² designer house (RENTED)  in Baar Allenwinden
Exclusive 400 m² designer house (RENTED)  in Baar Allenwinden

The gene­rously desi­gned 10-room desi­gner house is sui­ta­ble for home office use and offers enough space for up to 5 child­ren: Plan­ned 2 houses were built as ONE HOUSE on the appro­xi­m­ately 800 m² plot.

Ideal for BIG FAMILY: 6 bed­rooms, 2 living rooms, 1 dining room with open kit­chen, 1 library/​music room or office, 4 bath­rooms, 1 sepa­rate guest toilet and 2 pan­o­r­amic ter­races (34 m² and 80 m²)

The high-qua­lity house con­trol with BUS system, the REVOX mul­ti­room system, all win­dows with burglar-proof glass (VSG), the fine Ame­ri­can walnut par­quet flo­o­ring and the large number of built-in ward­ro­bes are fur­ther high­lights.


3 gara­ges (1 single garage with char­ging sta­tion for elec­tric car + 1 double garage).
+ 4 out­side par­king spaces

Purchase price on request. For the purchase you need equity capi­tal of approx. CHF 2.6 mil­lion.

Please cont­act us for detailed docu­men­ta­tion and infor­ma­tion.

PARK IMMO­BI­LIEN AG, Indus­trie­str. 16, 6300 Zug (next to Park­ho­tel)
Park in front of our sales office, free of charge!
041 741 87 87, info@park-immobilien.ch

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