Real estate agent

I am sear­ching for a pro­fes­sio­nal agent

Trust – local market know-how – qua­li­fied real estate spe­cia­lists

Whe­ther you want so sell a villa or buy a con­do­mi­nium – the right real estate agent is the pre­re­qui­site to ensure that your purchase, sale or rent is well pre­pared and you are able to relax. But how to find the right agent? What is important? Here are some tips:


Does the agent have local expe­ri­ence? No one wants to pay too much or receive too little for a pro­perty. An expe­ri­en­ced pro­fes­sio­nal agent should have at least 10 years of regio­nal exper­tise.

Sales rate

The most impres­sive window dis­plays and portal pre­sen­ces serve no pur­pose if the pro­perty remains unsold for months. Expli­citly ask how long the agent requi­res to sell a pro­perty on average. A quick sales rate testi­fies to market know-how and expe­ri­ence.

Mar­ke­ting know-how
A serious agent exami­nes whe­ther the pro­perty has to be reno­va­ted prior to a sale. It is unpro­fes­sio­nal to dis­cou­rage poten­tial buyers just because no one thought of repain­ting the 30-year old double garage.

A lot of employees and large window dis­plays do not deter­mine the qua­lity of the real estate agent’s office. Make sure that your agent is a member of an ack­now­led­ged asso­cia­tion, such as the Swiss Real Estate Asso­cia­tion SVIT.

Free app­raisals
(app­raisals not appro­ved by Swiss banks)
Anyone can offer these. App­raisals via assess­ment tools (e.g. WUPNET, Fahr­län­der or IAZI) are only as good as the user. A fede­rally cer­ti­fied app­rai­ser uses these tools more pro­foundly.

Agents with only little expe­ri­ence may offer the pro­perty owner a high initial sales price in order to gain their appr­oval (by means of mani­pulable assess­ment tools) and to obtain the broker man­date. Rea­lity then tea­ches cus­to­mers a dif­fe­rent lesson after 6 months.

App­raisals appro­ved by banks

These app­rai­sers require a fede­ral cer­ti­fi­ca­tion. Offi­cial” app­rai­sers charge appro­xi­m­ately bet­ween CHF 1500 to CHF 3000 per pro­perty. These costs are included in our ser­vice.

Sales pre­mi­ses
Does the sales pre­mi­ses reflect the high level of the pro­perty you are loo­king to sell?

Whe­ther pro­perty purchase, sale or rent: real estate busi­ness is and always will be a per­so­nal matter. The che­mis­try bet­ween you and your agent has to be right.

Let us get to know each other – we look for­ward to mee­ting you!